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"The Ship of Theseus" is a philosophical paradox that questions the notion of identity and the constancy of objects. Originating from Greek mythology, Theseus was a hero whose ship, during its voyages, required continual repairs and replacements of its worn-out parts. This raised a question: If all the parts of a ship are gradually replaced, eventually forming an entirely new ship, is the original ship and the later one still the same?

The paradox of the Ship of Theseus explores the relationship between constancy and change. It prompts deep considerations about individual identity, the persistence of objects, and change, challenging our intuitive understanding of the constancy of objects or individuals over time.

Choreography and concept by Peixian Wang​


Dramaturgy  by Yue Wang

Inviteded by Daliangshan International Theatre Festivel

With YaohongWang, LiKexing, Licheng, Jiangwei, Wang peixian

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